Kotlin 2020: Interview with Andrey Breslav and Svetlana Isakova

This year marks the tenth anniversary of work on Kotlin programming language. In recent years he loudly declares itself and Android development has become the standard. What's next?

Andrey Breslav who has been leading the work on Kotlin all 10 years and Svetlana Isakova, Kotlin Developer Advocate, will answer all questions about language.

Andrey Breslav

Andrey Breslav is leading design and development of the Kotlin programming language at JetBrains. In parallel, he's building Alter — a service that helps you find a competent psychotherapist.

Andrey Breslav JetBrains

Svetlana Isakova

Kotlin developer at JetBrains since 2011, now she's a Developer Advocate. She periodically talks about Kotlin at conferences, co-author of two books "Kotlin in Action" and "AtomicKotlin" and a video "Kotlin for Java Developers" on Coursera.

Svetlana Isakova JetBrains

Alexey Fyodorov

Producer @ JUG Ru Group, organizes the largest conferences for developers in Russia. In the last 6 years Alexey's team arranged more than 50 conferences. Alexey has a very different background: from Software Engineer @ Oracle (JCK, Java Platform Group) to DevRel @ Odnoklassiniki.

Alexey Fyodorov JUG Ru Group